A list of Charlie Chaplin films for toy projectors. 16mm and 35mm.
(too old to reply)
Doug Sulpy
2004-04-01 14:07:55 UTC
Here's an amended list of just the 16mm toy films, filled out with what
few titles I have. Title in parenthesis are best guess. Titles in
parenthesis with asterisks are confirmed. P.S. - Darren, wow... they
actually issued 10 ft. lengths of 35mm? What would that last? About 12
seconds? Sheesh... hardly worth threading the thing! :-)


Empire Safety Film Co. (1920s) - 16mm
Charlie The Villain (The Champion*)

Hollywood Film Enterprises ­ 16mm (50 ft.)
346A ­ Charlie the Nurse Maid (His Trysting Place*)
362A ­ (title missing) (His Prehistoric Past*)
365A ­ Charlie and Tillie¹s Flirtation (Tillie¹s Punctured Romance*)

Keystone Film and Projector Brochure (1930s?) - 16mm films
100 Ft.
1751 - The Stolen Umbrella (Between Showers)
52101 - The Dentist (Laughing Gas)
52102 - Filling a Prescription (Laughing Gas*)
52103 - Laughing Gas (Laughing Gas)
5211 - I Am A King
5212 - The Window Washer (The New Janitor)
5213 - The Property Man (The Property Man)
5214 - Bad Company
5215 - A Sleepless Night (Police*)
5216 - The Reformer
5217 - The Hero

1701 - Skip The Puddles (Between Showers)
1703 - Ladies' Man
4211 - Capturing The Robber
4212 - The Mighty Hunter (His Prehistoric Past)
4213 - The Caveman (His Prehistoric Past)
4214 - Assistance Wanted
4315 - The Baggage Man
4216 - A Free Lunch
4217 - Homeless
4218 - Under Arrest
???? ­ In The Theatre (His Favorite Pasttime*)

16389 - Free Samples at the Drug Store
16392 - Making Friends
3211 - Hoola-Hoola Dance (His Prehistoric Past)
3212 - The Janitor (The New Janitor)
3213 - Back Stage (The Property Man)
3214 - The Scrapper
3215 - The Hold Up (The New Janitor)
3216 - A Midnight Visitor
3217 - Love at First Sight
3218 - Fight for Love
3219 - First in Line
3220 - Short of Money

16366 - The Rescue
16368 - Charlie's Dream
16369 - Saving Charlie
16372 - Having Fun

Kodak Cinegraph (1920¹s)
4024 ­ Easy Street

Novelty Film Co.
2476 ­ Balled Up (Caught In The Rain*)
2576 ­ All Dressed Up (Tillie¹s Punctured Romance*)

Some Nerve (Gentlemen of Nerve*)

Unknown (Dates unknown)
Busy Charlie (Behind The Screen*)
113 ­ Bumping Along (Laughing Gas, The Star Boarder, His New
2004-04-01 23:28:03 UTC
Post by Doug Sulpy
Here's an amended list of just the 16mm toy films, filled out with what
few titles I have. Title in parenthesis are best guess. Titles in
parenthesis with asterisks are confirmed. P.S. - Darren, wow... they
actually issued 10 ft. lengths of 35mm? What would that last? About 12
seconds? Sheesh... hardly worth threading the thing! :-)
Empire Safety Film Co. (1920s) - 16mm
Charlie The Villain (The Champion*)
Hollywood Film Enterprises ­ 16mm (50 ft.)
346A ­ Charlie the Nurse Maid (His Trysting Place*)
362A ­ (title missing) (His Prehistoric Past*)
365A ­ Charlie and Tillie¹s Flirtation (Tillie¹s Punctured Romance*)
Keystone Film and Projector Brochure (1930s?) - 16mm films
100 Ft.
1751 - The Stolen Umbrella (Between Showers)
52101 - The Dentist (Laughing Gas)
52102 - Filling a Prescription (Laughing Gas*)
52103 - Laughing Gas (Laughing Gas)
5211 - I Am A King
5212 - The Window Washer (The New Janitor)
5213 - The Property Man (The Property Man)
5214 - Bad Company
5215 - A Sleepless Night (Police*)
5216 - The Reformer
5217 - The Hero
1701 - Skip The Puddles (Between Showers)
1703 - Ladies' Man
4211 - Capturing The Robber
4212 - The Mighty Hunter (His Prehistoric Past)
4213 - The Caveman (His Prehistoric Past)
4214 - Assistance Wanted
4315 - The Baggage Man
4216 - A Free Lunch
4217 - Homeless
4218 - Under Arrest
???? ­ In The Theatre (His Favorite Pasttime*)
16389 - Free Samples at the Drug Store
16392 - Making Friends
3211 - Hoola-Hoola Dance (His Prehistoric Past)
3212 - The Janitor (The New Janitor)
3213 - Back Stage (The Property Man)
3214 - The Scrapper
3215 - The Hold Up (The New Janitor)
3216 - A Midnight Visitor
3217 - Love at First Sight
3218 - Fight for Love
3219 - First in Line
3220 - Short of Money
16366 - The Rescue
16368 - Charlie's Dream
16369 - Saving Charlie
16372 - Having Fun
Kodak Cinegraph (1920¹s)
4024 ­ Easy Street
Novelty Film Co.
2476 ­ Balled Up (Caught In The Rain*)
2576 ­ All Dressed Up (Tillie¹s Punctured Romance*)
Some Nerve (Gentlemen of Nerve*)
Unknown (Dates unknown)
Busy Charlie (Behind The Screen*)
113 ­ Bumping Along (Laughing Gas, The Star Boarder, His New
I have an 8mm 50 ft. version of Balled Up that is an exerpt from Getting
Doug Sulpy
2004-04-08 01:24:42 UTC
Post by unknown
I have an 8mm 50 ft. version of Balled Up that is an exerpt from Getting
Oh, no. My copy of "Balled Up" is from "Caught In The Rain"!! Now we
have to worry about *different* clips being issued under the same
2013-11-30 20:22:59 UTC
Hi, I have recently acquired two 50 ft 16 mm Charlie toy films made by Exclusive Movies that I can’t find on your list. One is called “Moving Day,” and it is from “His Musical Career.” The other one is a bit of a mystery. It’s called “Fast Worker,” and I expected it to be from Modern Times, but it instead shows Charlie digging a ditch. I’ve seen most of Charlie’s films, but I have never seen this clip. Any ideas?
2016-09-09 15:17:19 UTC
Post by c***@stu.nc.k12.mo.us
Hi, I have recently acquired two 50 ft 16 mm Charlie toy films made by Exclusive Movies that I can’t find on your list. One is called “Moving Day,” and it is from “His Musical Career.” The other one is a bit of a mystery. It’s called “Fast Worker,” and I expected it to be from Modern Times, but it instead shows Charlie digging a ditch. I’ve seen most of Charlie’s films, but I have never seen this clip. Any ideas?
I have one Keystone film, can't recall the title, but I do remember that Chaplin is in a dinning room and gets a turkey stuck on his foot. Anyone recognize that scenario from one of the title on Darren's list?

2018-02-15 21:52:20 UTC
It's possible that some of these could be from "Her Friend The Bandit"(only Chaplin's film thought to be "lost")
Ian Partridge
2018-02-16 13:39:55 UTC
Post by d***@gmail.com
It's possible that some of these could be from "Her Friend The
Bandit"(only Chaplin's film thought to be "lost")
Can you provide a link to the list?

Ian Partridge
2018-03-07 15:24:29 UTC
Sorry. I am not using html newsreader Google news so cannot see list on
nntp.aioe.org as there is a limit on kilobyte size of messages.

Post by Ian Partridge
Post by d***@gmail.com
It's possible that some of these could be from "Her Friend The
Bandit"(only Chaplin's film thought to be "lost")
Can you provide a link to the list?