Integrity Problems
(too old to reply)
Bill Sprague
2018-05-22 16:37:36 UTC
All posts that have nothing to do with silent movies are bullshit. This newsgroup is not interested in fake passports , drugs or porn. I f you are interested in fake passports drugs or porn you need to be in an atmosphere where you do are prohibited from accessing a computer such as a mental institution or hospital . We must all unite to stop people from posting all this bullshit. Everything that is not film oriented or silent film oriented on this site is pure unadulterated bullshit. Everything that is posted that is not film oriented is pure unadulterated bullshit. This site needs a good moderator to keep the site movie oriented and call out the people who cannot control their urge to post bullshit. Please join me in this effort to act as your own moderator and call out anyone who is using this page to post bullshit. We must boost the integrity of this site.Movie oriented material or people selling films tapes of vintage films is welcome . People posting stories about films is welcome. Nobody in their right mind is not interested in spam fake passports porn or guns or drugs. Again , clean up this site and call out the bullshitters. This site vwas started by legitimate people interested in film. This site desperately needs to return to that subject. The crazies that post all the bullshit need to be locked up where computer use is prohibited to protect the good people who are interested in vintage films
Bill Sprague
2018-05-22 16:40:06 UTC
Post by Bill Sprague
All posts that have nothing to do with silent movies are bullshit. This newsgroup is not interested in fake passports , drugs or porn. I f you are interested in fake passports drugs or porn you need to be in an atmosphere where you do are prohibited from accessing a computer such as a mental institution or hospital . We must all unite to stop people from posting all this bullshit. Everything that is not film oriented or silent film oriented on this site is pure unadulterated bullshit. Everything that is posted that is not film oriented is pure unadulterated bullshit. This site needs a good moderator to keep the site movie oriented and call out the people who cannot control their urge to post bullshit. Please join me in this effort to act as your own moderator and call out anyone who is using this page to post bullshit. We must boost the integrity of this site.Movie oriented material or people selling films tapes of vintage films is welcome . People posting stories about films is welcome. Nobody in their right mind is not interested in spam fake passports porn or guns or drugs. Again , clean up this site and call out the bullshitters. This site vwas started by legitimate people interested in film. This site desperately needs to return to that subject. The crazies that post all the bullshit need to be locked up where computer use is prohibited to protect the good people who are interested in vintage films
All posts that have nothing to do with silent movies are bullshit. This newsgroup is not interested in fake passports , drugs or porn. I f you are interested in fake passports drugs or porn you need to be in an atmosphere where you do are prohibited from accessing a computer such as a mental institution or hospital . We must all unite to stop people from posting all this bullshit. Everything that is not film oriented or silent film oriented on this site is pure unadulterated bullshit. Everything that is posted that is not film oriented is pure unadulterated bullshit. This site needs a good moderator to keep the site movie oriented and call out the people who cannot control their urge to post bullshit. Please join me in this effort to act as your own moderator and call out anyone who is using this page to post bullshit. We must boost the integrity of this site.Movie oriented material or people selling films tapes of vintage films is welcome . People posting stories about films is welcome. Nobody in their right mind is not interested in spam fake passports porn or guns or drugs. Again , clean up this site and call out the bullshitters. This site vwas started by legitimate people interested in film. This site desperately needs to return to that subject. The crazies that post all the bullshit need to be locked up where computer use is prohibited to protect the good people who are interested in vintage films
All posts that have nothing to do with silent movies are bullshit. This newsgroup is not interested in fake passports , drugs or porn. I f you are interested in fake passports drugs or porn you need to be in an atmosphere where you do are prohibited from accessing a computer such as a mental institution or hospital . We must all unite to stop people from posting all this bullshit. Everything that is not film oriented or silent film oriented on this site is pure unadulterated bullshit. Everything that is posted that is not film oriented is pure unadulterated bullshit. This site needs a good moderator to keep the site movie oriented and call out the people who cannot control their urge to post bullshit. Please join me in this effort to act as your own moderator and call out anyone who is using this page to post bullshit. We must boost the integrity of this site.Movie oriented material or people selling films tapes of vintage films is welcome . People posting stories about films is welcome. Nobody in their right mind is not interested in spam fake passports porn or guns or drugs. Again , clean up this site and call out the bullshitters. This site vwas started by legitimate people interested in film. This site desperately needs to return to that subject. The crazies that post all the bullshit need to be locked up where computer use is prohibited to protect the good people who are interested in vintage films
This by far is the most legitimate thing posted here The people who are posting about old film or movies are welcome the rest of them are posting bullshit